Workshops, lectures & training, in the field of:
China and Chinese culture
Expat training
For Chinese expats in the Netherlands and Dutch expats going to China: knowledge of the country and its culture is crucial for happiness and success. Gwendolyn works for the Academisch Talencentrum Leiden University which trains Dutch embassy personnel. She is also a certified Berlitz Cultural Consulting Trainer.
Workshops and lectures in various fields are available. An example of a workshop is ‘Communicating the Chinese way’. In this workshop you gain insight in underlying philosophical streams and elements of history which affect Chinese thinking and business, Chinese society, the concept of ‘face’ and relationships, Chinese corporate culture and work ethics, time management and decision making process, negotiating and business etiquette. A mirror is held and key cultural differences are highlighted. Recognising and dealing with these cultural differences can be crucial for any form of cooperation. The workshop can be adapted to the target group (expats, students, business people) and to the time available: from one day to an hour, online or live.
Chinees Cultuurplein
Gwendolyn is editor, organizer and contributor of the knowledge website for higher education on China and Chinese culture:
Gwendolyn likes to share her practical experiences in teaching, in the Netherlands, but also elsewhere! In July 2019 Gwendolyn was part of a group of educational experts who gave workshops to 80 Chinese high school, primary school and kindergarten principals at Putuo, Shanghai. She gave interactive workshops on:

- What makes an excellent school – 优秀学校的标准
- How to facilitate active learning in your class – 如何在课堂教学中成就活性学习
- Emotional and Social Intelligence with a focus on cross-cultural competence development - 情商,社会智力与跨文化能力
- For a summary in Chinese please click here.中文摘要,请点击此处
Short movie '4 experts and 80 principals', Shanghai 2019
Gwendolyn was part of a group of 4 educational experts organised by Globi who were invited to share their knowledge and experience of the Dutch education system, at Putuo district in Shanghai.
Intercultural competence- 跨文化能力
At partner school Fujian Tong’an Nr 1 she taught interactive lessons on cultural differences between China and the Netherlands. Of course this is also an important curriculum item at Rijnlands Lyceum Wassenaar.

Cross-cultural communication: examples
‘Chinese and Western Culture, in perspective’
Awareness is created of the philosophical and historic roots of both cultures, their differences and similarities defined and key values highlighted. Role-play is used to experience the other culture. With humour and respect, appreciation and understanding is created, which will enhance cooperation. Target group: Chinese and western people who need to work together.
‘Understanding the Dutch mindset’
The Dutch DNA explained, Holland in a nutshell, typical Dutch characteristics, do’s and don’ts in the Netherlands, from a Chinese perspective. Target group: Chinese who work together with Dutch, either in the Netherlands or from China. Both workshops can be adapted to the target group (expats, students, business people) and to the time available: from one day to an hour, online or live.